TMB: Our story

Part 3: Plan de l'Au - Les Houches

Sunday September 6th: Plan de l'Au - Vallorcine

distance: ca 20 km
up: 810 m, down: 785 m,
weather: Cold but sunny.

After a good night of sleep we awake. When we break down the tent it is soaked with dew. Because Jacqueline and Alex take anouther route, we don't have to wait and start immediately, because it is rather cold. As soon as we left plan de l'Au, we enter the forest. First the route climbs gradually, but after a while the path narrows and gets more steep, by times so steep that we have to make use of our hands. During the climb we have several breaks and again I eat some blue berries. At a certain moment the path levels off and we walk one a nice path, more or less a balcony, with splended views on Martigny and the Grand Combin. After leaving the balcony and passing Ferme de Bovine we climb slowly to collette Portalo. At the collette we have a break in the sun and enjoy of the warmth of the sun and of the view. We the continue we come in the shade, where it is so cold that the plants are still covered with frost. We descend in one go to col de Forclaz. It is very windy at the col where we have our lunchbreak and dry the tent. After lunch we pack the tent again and continue to descend, first over the route of the TMB, and after Trient along the road (N115) to avoid the climb to col de Balme. Just before a tunnel we take a path on the left side of the road and walk along the mountain side. After the tunnel we join the road again, which we follow till just before the border. Here we pick up a way marked route to Vallorcine, but we loose the markes just outside Barberine and once again we join the road (N506). As soon as possible we change the N506 for a smaller road through Le Molard, Le Clos and Le Siseray. Between Le Clos and Le Siseray we see a church with a small cementary that is protected with thick walls that should stop avalanches coming from montagne de Barberine. At Vallorcine we put up the tent near campingcars in front of the railway station on the border of the river l'Eau Noir. On the other side of the river is a public toilet that we can use.

Monday September 7th: Vallorcine - Ruined chalet de Charlanon

distance: ca 18 km
up: 715 m, down: 195 m,
weather: Sunny but not too warm.

At 6 o'Clock we are awaken by the first train. Before we start with preparing breakfast, we for half an hour. At 8 o'Clock we are ready and start walking in the direction of Montets and Tré-le-Champ. It is still rather cold in the shade. Near Tré-le-Champ I have a break on the side of the road in the sun while Edwin gets water in Tré-le-Champ. After the break we start climbing to chalet des Chéserys. During the climb we see the elder American couple we have met every day till Courmayeur. They have walked together with their sons till they arrived at the ladders. Their sons went up by the ladders, but they did not dare, so they descend again and take an alternative route up. When we arrive at the ladders a group is coming down so we have to wait till they have passed, before we can climb up. The ladders make it possible to climb through the vertical rock chimneys. After the ladders the path is more relaxing again. Shortly after we reach the chalets where we have our lunchbreak. And again we dry our tent during the break. After lunch we walk to refuge de la Flégère. Here, we hoped to get some water from a source, but there is none. So we buy a bottle water, just in case we can't find any water for the night. We continue and descend slightly, then soms stairs followed by another slight descend before we reach Charlanon. On the way we have a small break at some blue berries. At Charlanon we find a nice spot to put up the tent and there is a source! From our 'campsite' we have some great views on the Mont Blanc.

Tuesday September 8th: Ruined chalet de Charlanon - Les Houches

distance: ca 16 km
up: 715 m, down: 1520 m,
weather: Sunny but not too warm.

After breaking up we climb a little from the plain at Charlanon. Then we reach a nice relatively flat path. Near Planpraz, that appears to be further away than it shows, the path first goes down and the up again. At Planpraz we have a break while watching people arriving with the cable cars some of them are wearing high heels. After the break we coninue and climb to col the Brevent. First we walk behind a group with a guide, later when the group stops for some information, we pass the group. At the col the tour du Mont Blanc joins the GR5 coming from Lake Geneva. After the col we loose sight of the Mont Blanc for a while, because the path descends between some rocks. This part we have walked 15 years ago. The weather then was not as good as it is now, colder and more clouds. Besides the ladders the only thing we remember is the cold and the views we don't have. This time we have great views. After the Brevent summit, we descend over a good path. When the path is somewhat flatter, we have lunch with a view over Chamonix and the Mont Blanc tunnel. After lunch we continue to descend, more steeply this time. The descent between Bellachat and Merlet is over a more rocky path. This time there are a lot of wooded steps, that were not there 15 years ago. Since the animal reserve has extended, the route takes another path down. After the carpark we take the wrong path, the one that goes directly to Les Houches and not along the statue of Christ. It is a pleasant descend through the woods and the last part goes over a paved road. At Les Houches we put our packs in the car and drive to Beaufort-sur-Doron. Here we find a nice place on the campsite where we stay for a few days before we drive home.

Walk back to the beginning of Nathalie Penders'hiking page

Last modified December 2010