vanElk Modelling E.P. van Elk-Penders, Hijken, Drenthe (NL)

Independent Contractor (ZZPer)

Consultancy, Process Modelling, Process Simulation,
Software Development, Coding

Background - Experience - Recent Projects - Partners - Contact

____________ Experience ____________

I have gained approximately 25 years' experience in the coding of chemical engineering models and applications in Pascal / Delphi and Fortran. Typical I am involved in a combination of coding and modelling.

I have 10 to 15 years' experience in coding of various steady state process simulators, equilibrium based and rate based unit operations, GUI development, thermodynamics, etc.

I have been working for the Oil & Gas industry and the Energy sector. Gas treating is the main field of application of the developed software. Also I have been involved in process simulation (Aspen+, VMGsim, ProTreat and PPS). I have done some projects for other industries as well (IT sector, consumer market).

If you have work to be done that suits with my background and experience, please contact me to check my availability.